30 th October 2024
For chilli farmers, pests like Mites can be a serious problem, damaging plants and reducing harvests. But with Kikude, you have a powerful tool to keep your crops safe and thriving. Let’s see how Kikude can help protect your plants and improve your yield.
Mites feed on the leaves of chilli plants, which can cause the plants to turn yellow, weaken, and produce fewer chillies. Stopping these pests early is essential to keep your plants healthy.
Kikude uses advanced technology to fight Mites at every stage of their life cycle, protecting your chilli plants from start to finish. Here’s how:
Adulticidal action Adults stop feeding immediately & die.
Larvicidal & Nymphicidal actionLarvae & nymph kill by dermal or feeding route; Larva from newly hatched eggs die due to residual action.
Ovicidal action Treated eggs do not hatch.
Anti-fecundity action: Female mites stop egg laying to reduce egg-laying capacity. Even normal eggs laid on treated leaves do not hatch.
Sterility action Treated females lay sterile eggs that don't hatch.
Dilute Properly: Mix Kikude with water as directed on the label to ensure the right concentration.
Spray Evenly: It provides better coverage.
Use at Regular Intervals: For lasting protection, spray Kikude at intervals recommended on the product label.
Using Kikude means you can protect your chilli plants with confidence. With each application, you’ll see healthier leaves, stronger plants, and better-quality chillies. Don’t let pests ruin your hard work—trust Kikude to keep your chilli crops safe, healthy, and productive.
Give your crops the best protection and watch your harvest grow with Kikude!