

Technical Name
Topramezone 336 G/L (W/V) SC

Mode of Action
Subarashi a selective herbicide for corn with Topramezone. Once applied, it gets absorbed through the roots and shoots of the weeds and it starts working immediately. Weeds stop taking nutrients from soil and in 10 to 12 days, it controls weeds from their roots.

Features and Benefits

Broad Spectrum: Effective against broad and narrow leaf weeds of Maize

Safe for Crops: Safe for all the corn species at all the growth stages

Better Yield: Reduced competition with weeds ensures, better yield of crop

Crop Weed species Dosage/acre(ml) Dilution in Water (Liter/acre)
Maize Eleusine indica, Digitaria sanguinalis, Dactyloctenium aegyptum, Echinochloa spp., Chloris barbata, Parthenium hysterophorus, Digera arvensis, Amaranthus viridis, Physalis minima, Alternanthera sessilis, Convolvulus arvensis, Celosia argentea 30 ml/acre(+2ml/L water Surfactant) 200L
  • Packaging available: 15ml, 30 ml, 75ml