Hideki is a novel insecticide for sucking pest management with unique mode of action.

Technical Name
Flonicamid 50%WG
Mode Of Action : Systemic and translaminar

Features and Benefits of HIDEKI :

Hideki gives long duration control on sucking pests.

Hideki is a key insecticide for sucking pest management.

It moves systemically and translaminar in the plants.

It has unique mode of action i.e. selective feeding blocker which prevents insects from feeding by interfering with neural regulation of plant fluid intake in the mouthparts.

Less harmful to beneficial insects.

Packing available: 30g, 60g, 150g, 250g, 500g

Crop Target Pest Dosage/acre(gm) Dilution in Water (Liter/acre) Waiting Period (Days)
Rice Brown Plant Hopper, White Backed Plant Hopper
Green Leaf Hopper
60 200 36
Cotton Aphids, Jassids, Thrips and white flies 60 200 25
Okra Aphids, Jassids, White Fly 80 200 10
Brinjal Aphids, Jassids, White Fly 80 200 15